Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Upcoming Concerts

Upcoming Events

On Thursday, 2 May, The Slackers will be playing at the Blind Pig in Ann Arbor.

Fuzz Fest 6 is approaching, and we're awaiting updates on the event.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

After the Melt

Spring Thaw

So we missed the 2019 Hamtramck Music Festival. It's early March in Michigan, which is when the plague is still thick in the air, and the weather is still unpleasant. We were really interested to see a handful of bands at a single venue, and to drop in on an old friend who had a spot with his current act. It didn't happen, and we can only blame it on the rain.

Recent Concerts

So far, we've recently seen Public Image Ltd., which was really just the only way to see Johnny Rotten these days. They play some catchy, but excessively long and monotonous material. Either they need to take all of their songs and snip them into parts of a single song, or write more parts for the rest of the songs so that they at least go somewhere. They have infectious grooves, but their length and lack of changes wears out the groove long before they stop playing it. Or maybe it's just our ADD.

We also went to see Mephiskapheles, which was a solid show. Unfortunately, however, they have either canned or lost their keyboard player, which eliminated the bulk of the reason we listened to them in the first place. That's a crying shame. They still play well together, and they're friendly enough to their fans. There's no mistaking the canyon-wide gap left where the keyboard noise should be, though, and we'll only forgive them when they find a suitable player to correct this.

Suggested Listening

In other news, we've been listening to some great bands lately, and are hoping to get them to come to the US. Haken, The Laze, and Hällas should get together and plan a tour. Have you heard them?