Friday, April 7, 2017

That Other Band and Their Bullshit

Today, we just feel like talking about attitudes. There are lots of bands out there. If you play in an active, gigging band, you're going to play shows with several of them. Some are terrible. Some will blow you away. Most fall in between, and of those, many won't be the sort of thing you'd want to hear.

It's important to remember that we are not competitors. We are colleagues. We don't all share the same tastes, and perhaps we don't appeal to the same groups of people. Still, any local music scene as a whole does better when the bands in it do not disparage one another. Perhaps you've heard the expression, "No man is an island." Well, neither is any band.

Audiences are comprised of friends, family, coworkers, and fans. Who wants to be the guy shouting into her or his friend's ear, "What the fuck is this awful bullshit?!" or "These guys are horrible musicians," when the song suddenly has a break in it, or while unknowingly within earshot of the other band's good friends or family? Or perhaps that awful band is a favorite of a major local promoter, and that promoter or the show organizer is sitting right next to you as you heap insults upon the other band. That is a great way to burn bridges, and make your band persona non grata.

What to do instead, if you don't like a band? Be polite. They 're either going to get better over time, or they will ultimately dissolve. Playing a show with them won't hurt your reputation. If they're really that terrible, it will go without being said. If they're really alright, but not your style? HELP THEM OUT. A music scene cannot depend on one band alone, and diversity makes for an elaborate tapestry of sound. Our thanks to the musicians with whom we have been able to play that understand these things, and that how we treat each other colors how our scene is viewed.

With that out of the way, it's a good time to mention that Morning Shadows is currently seeking a cellist or standup bassist who is skilled with bowing their instrument. Alternatively, a talented tuba player would be most welcome! Interested? Email us at