Friday, March 31, 2017

Ch Ch Ch Changes

Morning Shadows is evolving, which means lineup changes and some new songs we've been keeping up our sleeves. We've also applied to some local music festivals, and are planning more shows, so watch for our announcements.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Last Night's Show

Last night was a blast! Everyone who came was enthusiastic, and Pancho Villa's Skull and Blue Black Hours put on stellar performances. Pancho Villa's Skull blew us away with their energy and gorgeous harmonies, colorful melodies, and tight rhythm, and Blue Black Hours drenched the house in a swirling, psychedelic display, setting the atmosphere for their echo laden stoner groove, and their strong, husky vocals, reminiscent of Chris Cornell's lower register.

We'll have pictures to post soon, and we also learned that NO, the Blind Pig has NOT been sold. Keep an eye out, as we'll also have video, and will update shortly. Many thanks to everyone who came out to see us, students, townies, and bands!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

About to Hatch

Have you ever used Songkick? You can follow your favorite bands, or even your favorite venues, and get notified when they have a show. We're new to the site, so we're not sure, but it appears you can buy advance tickets there.

Tomorrow is the big day!

Pancho Villa's Skull plays first at 10pm SHARP, followed by Blue Black Hours. Morning Shadows caps off the evening. The show is only $5, but $8 if you're under 21 years of age. 18 and up are welcome. We will see you in a little over 24 hours! Please let us know you're coming by RSVPing on the FB events page that Blue Black Hours has created for the show, or through Songkick.